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Harman & Hall, Atlanta Commercial Photographers

A New Partnership | Harman & Hall

By Commercial, FYI No Comments

I’m excited to announce a new partnership between myself and my good friend, Brian Hall! Earlier in 2015, Brian and I began talks about the possibility of us teaming up to focus on commercial/advertising photography (anything photography-for-business). We finalized our new partnership in late 2015 and are now officially working together as Harman & Hall! Does this mean I’m done with shooting weddings? By no means! 🙂 Brian and I will both continue to run our individual businesses. We’ll simply be ramping up our commercial photography related endeavors.

Does your business or employer need an image make-over? Hit us up over at!

Harman & Hall, Atlanta commercial photographers

Here’s an image from our shoot with Atlanta marketing agency, BKV!

Atlanta advertising photographers

Kennesaw State University :: 440 Keys | A Reunion Concert

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I’ve now had the honor of shooting several times for the school at which I spent most of my college years, Kennesaw State University. My most recent shoot was coverage of the 440 Keys concert at the Dr. Bobbie Bailey Center. The event brought together FIVE grand Steinway & Sons pianos that were donated by Dr. Bailey. **Factoid: each piano is named after one of Dr. Bailey’s family members.**

Kennesaw State University, Bailey Center, 440 Keys

Kennesaw State University, Bailey Center, 440 Keys

Kennesaw State University, Bailey Center, 440 Keys

Kennesaw State University, Bailey Center, 440 Keys

Kennesaw State University, Bailey Center, 440 Keys

Dr. Bailey being recognized (frame center)

Kennesaw State University, Bailey Center, 440 Keys

click on the image below for a larger view…

Kennesaw State University, Bailey Center, 440 Keys

Kennesaw State University :: All Steinway School Celebration

By Commercial 3 Comments

I recently shot an event for Kennesaw State University which celebrated the school’s choice of using only Steinway and Sons pianos. This event took place in the new Dr. Bobbie Bailey and Family Performance Center. If you’ve followed the happenings of KSU you know that they’ve seen incredible growth in recent years. I believe they are now considered the 3rd largest university in the state. Now…a few images….

members of the orchestra practicing before the big performance…

the performance…

These next two were the highlight of the evening featuring four Steinway grand pianos on stage at once. The first image I shot from high above on the catwalk.

after the concert…

a few from the reception following…


By Commercial 2 Comments

Today I’ve launched a new website! For those of you who may not know, I do commercial work as well. Focusing on small business is my strength. I find great satisfaction in making a seemingly small business look as good as the big guys. Small business is what drives this country, and I’m proud to be a part of making it a continued success.

If you are a small business owner or know someone who is, take some time to see what I have to offer. I think you’ll like what you see.

Here is a screen shot from the new site!

Tim Harman Photography, Commercial Portfolio

Photo shoot for CLARK HOWARD!

By Commercial, Head Shots One Comment

I recently had the privilege of doing a photo shoot with radio talk show host Clark Howard. Clark is host of the Clark Howard Show on WSB-750 AM here in Atlanta and is also heavily syndicated throughout the country.

These shots were done for his book website, Get Clark Smart. Clark’s site is currently being redesigned by an incredible web development company, Simple Source Solutions, and will be unveiled very soon. Be sure to check out the site and order a few books!

Special thanks goes to my good friend and colleague, Zack Arias, for use of his studio in Decatur. Zack also got some amazing shots that you may find on his blog soon. Be sure to check those out too.

Clark Howard

Clark Howard

Clark Howard